Schola Latína
Európæa & Úniversális
in líneá

Latiné loqui disce sine molestiá!
Learn to speak Latin with ease! ¡Aprende a hablar latín sin esfuerzo!
Apprenez à parler latin sans peine! Impara a parlare latino senza sforzo! Lernen Sie latein zu sprechen ohne Mühe!


Sermó Latínus I (Desessard 1-56)

English | Español

Glória Andréás Suniária

A 24-week course starting 18th September 2776 (2023).

This course is addressed to all those who wish to learn Latin, our millenary language, in order to be able not only to read its texts with understanding but also to write it with ease and fluently to speak it in all circumstances so that the eternal language of our forefathers is brought back to active life and everyday usage.

On completion of the course, the student will be able to begin reading simple Latin texts without a dictionary, and will also be capable of Latin conversation at an elementary level.

The course is based on Clément Desessard, Lingua Latina sine molestia, an Assimil method, and lessons 1 to 56 will be studied, out of a total of 101, the latter half of which are covered at Sermo Latinus II.

The pace will be of a lesson every three days.

This is a very practical course, completely open to anyone, from those with absolutely no previous knowledge of the language to those who have learnt Latin in the past, or even those who are still learning it elsewhere, but don't yet feel confident enough with it.

Desessard's method is based on a textbook which exists with the explanations about grammar and vocabulary given in French (Le latin sans peine), in Italian (Il latino senza sforzo) or in German (Latein ohne Mühe), so students are expected to be able to understand one of those languages well enough to follow the course. Students who cannot read French, Italian or German will be provided with an English translation of those explanations along the course. All students are still required to obtain their own copy of the book in one of the three versions available and the recordings that come therewith before they join the course. They may not be cheap, but the material is absolutely worth it, and obtaining it is a necessary proof of commitment to the course. Please note that the audio material (all in Latin) is essential for the success of the course, and the textbook on its own will not do.

Anyone having a copy of the book and the recordings will therefore be able to enter upon this course without any further requirement. There is no entry test.

Personal communication with the teacher during the course will be in English, although students can also use French or Italian or German if they need to ... and eventually Latin, obviously.

Further information on this course and how to enrol

Sermó Latínus II (Desessard 57-101)

Latíné | English | Español

Matthæus Gávia

Spatium temporis:
Cursus 20 septimanarum initio 18 Septembris 2776 (2023).

Hic cursus est eis discipulis destinatus qui, Latiné linguam nostram millennariam cum voluissent discere non sólum auctores ut legerent intellegendo sed etiam ut scriberent facile volubiliterque loquerentur in omnibus vitæ rebus, nostrum anno præterito rite absolverunt Sermónem Latínum I, i.e. methodi Desessard lectiones 1 ad 56 explicuerunt atque apti sunt judicati qui progrederentur.

Perfecto cursu discipulus mediis poterit líber a lexici servitio auctoribus frui Latinis, parque evadet Latino sermoni medi quidem gradús.

Cursus versatur in Clément Desessard Linguá Latiná sine molestiá, methodo Assimil, lectionibusque 57 ad 101 studebitur, cum priores in Sermóne Latínó I sint explicitæ.

Progressus adhuc erit unius lectionis tertio quoque die.

Unum (necessarium atque sufficiens) hujus cursús ineundi requisitum est prævia nostri Sermónis Latíní I absolutio.

Plura de hóc cursu et quomodo fiat inscriptio

Sermó Latínus I&II (Desessard 1-101)

English | Español

A. Tullia Scholastica

A 29-week course starting 11th September 2776 (2023).

This course is addressed to all those who wish to learn Latin, our millenary language, in order to be able not only to read its texts with understanding but also to write it with ease and fluently to speak it in all circumstances so that the eternal language of our forefathers is brought back to active life and everyday usage.

On completion of the course, the student will be able to enjoy the average Latin texts without being enslaved to the dictionary, and will also be capable of Latin conversation at an intermediate level.

The course is based on Clément Desessard, Lingua Latina sine molestia, an Assimil method, and all 101 lessons will be studied, making this intensive course equivalent to Sermo Latinus I and Sermo Latinus II put together in one academic year.

The pace will be of a lesson every two days.

This is a very practical course, completely open to anyone, from those with absolutely no previous knowledge of the language to those who have learnt Latin in the past, or even those who are still learning it elsewhere, but don't yet feel confident enough with it.

Desessard's method is based on a textbook which exists with the explanations about grammar and vocabulary given in French (Le latin sans peine), in Italian (Il latino senza sforzo) or in German (Latein ohne Mühe), so students are expected to be able to understand one of those languages well enough to follow the course. Students who cannot read French, Italian or German will be provided with an English translation of those explanations along the course. All students are still required to obtain their own copy of the book in one of the three versions available and the recordings that come therewith before they join the course. They may not be cheap, but the material is absolutely worth it, and obtaining it is a necessary proof of commitment to the course. Please note that the audio material (all in Latin) is essential for the success of the course, and the textbook on its own will not do.

Anyone having a copy of the book and the recordings will therefore be able to enter upon this course without any further requirement. There is no entry test.

Personal communication with the teacher during the course will be in English, although students can also use French or Italian or German if they need to ... and eventually Latin, obviously.

Further information on this course and how to enrol